Featured Courses

Old Main Bell on Penn State University Park campus

Four named General Education Faculty Scholars

The Penn State Office for General Education announced four faculty who will serve as leaders to help to elevate General Education across the University, including Kira Hamman, assistant teaching professor of mathematics, Penn State Mont Alto. 
image of tree with the word compassionate in the middle and supporting words, such as empathy and present, surrounding

Penn State course provides framework for addressing racism and bias

University students and educators alike are grappling with turbulent times, and Penn State’s course on the “Art and Science of Human Flourishing” is well-positioned to help undergraduates to develop strategies for caring for themselves and others. Robert Roeser, Bennett Pierce Professor of Caring and Compassion, explored ways to adapt the course to current events, along with 23 colleagues from 10 Penn State campuses, University of Virginia and University of Wisconsin-Madison, during the morning of the 2nd Annual Human Flourishing Summer Teaching Institute, held on June 16 and 17 via Zoom.
Kerala India

Foreign study course includes trip to India

Penn State students studying health care, sports or community disciplines can enroll in the elective course NURS 499 for the fall 2019 semester to learn about their field of interest and then travel to Kerala, India, to perform community service as it relates to their field of study while also seeing some of India’s landmark sites.